What is The Dragon Canvas?
I'm Artifacts_Artificial, the main artist and one of the administrators of The Dragon Canvas.
By the way, you can check my Instagram here
The name "The Dragon Canvas" came to us by chance, but we couldn't be happier with it! We're huge dragon fans, so when we were searching for a web URL and social media name, we knew we had to incorporate our love for these mythical creatures. It wasn't easy finding the right name, though. We tried everything from "Dragon Pencils" to "Dragon Arts," but nothing felt quite right. Finally, "The Dragon Canvas" came to us, and we knew it was perfect. I mean, we sell canvases and prints!

Originally, while we started out selling and designing 3D printed model kits under a different name (you guessed it, also dragon-related!), we eventually decided to switch our niche to focus on our passion for anime, manga, comics, and all things geeky. We noticed a lack of originality in the anime tees out there, with most relying on licensed artwork. We wanted to create something truly unique, based solely on our own original artwork and style.
Starting "The Dragon Canvas" was a way for us to follow our dreams and do what makes us happy. We've always been huge fans of tabletop role-playing games, trading card games, fantasy, science fiction, comics, anime and waifus. We've immersed ourselves in all sorts of subsets of the fandom world, from manga to video games. Now, we get to combine our love for this genre with our passion for originality and art.
We're still at the beginning of our journey, but so far things are going great. We're thrilled to be doing what we love and creating something truly special. We hope you'll join us on this adventure!